WorldFAQ(tm) Lite 1.1 README.TXT --------------------------- Copyright (C) 1997 by Creative Digital Publishing Inc. All rights reserved. Thank you for buying WorldFAQ Lite for the 3Com connected organizer. This file contains installation instructions and brief documentation on the program. We strongly recommend that you read this complete file before installing WorldFAQ Lite. Introduction ------------ WorldFAQ (World Frequently Asked Questions, pronounced world-fack') Lite is a collection of information about places around the world, information such as time zones, daylight savings time dates and times, latitudes and longitudes, telephone dialing codes, airport names and codes, populations, and more. Using this information, you can calculate dates and times around the world. The WorldFAQ Lite database has three different types of locations: countries, time zones, and cities. There are more than 160 countries, 45 time zones within those countries, and more than 275 cities including the capitals of most of the countries. WorldFAQ Lite knows about the relationships between these types of locations. It knows that Paris is a city in France. It also knows, for instance, that the United States has several times zones, and that several countries in Europe have the same starting and ending days for Daylight Savings Time. System Requirements ------------------- WorldFAQ requires PalmOS version 2.0 or greater. This is the version of the OS included with the PalmPilot Personal and Professional Editions, and with Palm's 1 MB Professional Upgrade for the Pilot 1000, 5000, and Personal organizers. You can find out which version of the PalmOS your organizer has by running the Memory application. The OS version appears in the upper right-hand corner of the Memory screen. The WorldFAQ Lite program file takes about 27 KB of RAM. The database, takes about 23 KB of RAM. In order to get the most out of this program and this documentation, we strongly recommend that you read the documentation that came with your device. In particular, you should be familiar with starting applications, using menus, and editing text. What's Included --------------- However you receive WorldFAQ Lite, whether on floppy disk, by downloading it from a Web site, on a CD-ROM collection, or by some other means, you should have five files: * WFAQL.PRC, the WorldFAQ Lite program that you install on your organizer; * WFAQLDB.PDB, the WorldFAQ database; * README.TXT (this file), a text file containing quick-start instructions; * WFAQL.PDF, an Adobe Acrobat-formatted file containing the program's complete documentation; and * LICENSE.PDF, an Acrobat-formatted file containing the licensing agreement governing your use of WorldFAQ Lite. Adobe Acrobat is a free, platform-independent document format with readers for the Macintosh, Windows, and UNIX operating systems. If you don't have the Adobe Acrobat reader for your system, you can find it practically everywhere - CompuServe, American Online, and various web sites, including Adobe's at We don't include it with WorldFAQ because of its size. Registering ----------- We strongly encourage you to register your copy of WorldFAQ Lite with us if you bought it from someone other than us, or it was included as part of a CD-ROM collection. We plan on releasing new and improved versions of the program on a regular basis. The only way we can let you know about these improvements is if you tell us where to find you. There are two ways you can register with us: * Go to our WorldFAQ Web site at and register on-line. This is the quickest and easiest method, and the easiest for us to process. * Send us an e-mail at, including you name, full mailing address, phone, fax, and e-mail address. Please put the phrase "WFAQL REGISTRATION" in the e-mail's subject line. Installing the Software ----------------------- You install WorldFAQ Lite just like you install any other application, using the Install program that is included with the Palm desktop. We don't describe the installation process in detail because it varies with different models. Refer to the documentation that you received with your organizer for the correct procedures. You have to install two files: WFAQL.PRC and WFAQLDB.PDB. You can install them in either order, at the same time or separately. You can also install WorldFAQ Lite on a 3Com Connected Organizer that has the full version of WorldFAQ or our World Time program on it. All three programs should peacefully coexist. If you find yourself reinstalling the WorldFAQ Lite program or database at some point, make sure you first delete the WorldFAQ Lite program or database that is already on your organizer. You do this using the Delete Apps function of the Memory application. Getting Started --------------- When you first start WorldFAQ Lite, the Main View, showing a list of locations in alphabetical order, appears. The first thing you should do is set your Home location. Find a city or country closest to your actual home. There are three ways to do this: * Scroll up or down through the Main View a page at a time using the scroll buttons located at the bottom center of your Pilot's case. * Scroll up or down one line at a time using the single-line scroll buttons. * Enter the first few characters of the location's name in the Graffiti entry area. WorldFAQ searches for up to five consecutive characters (one or two should be sufficient to find most names). Once you find a location suitable for your Home, tap on its name. A view called a Detail View, appears. You set that location to your Home location by selecting Set Home from the Detail View's Locations menu, then tapping the Done button. At this point, WorldFAQ Lite assumes that the clock setting on your organizer is the current time at your Home location. It returns to the Main View and re-displays the locations list. For each location, it calculates the date and time relative to your Home location. It also displays your Home location at the top of the screen. Getting in Touch With Us ------------------------ WorldFAQ Lite is a work in progress. We want to make it as useful as possible, so we're always working on a list of enhancements for the next version. Your input is extremely valuable to us. Please tell us about any features we can add to make WorldFAQ Lite a better product. Of course, report any bugs or problems you may experience as well. The best way to contact us is by e-mail at It's very difficult to create and maintain a comprehensive, totally accurate database of international time zones, telephone codes, and populations. There may be some errors in the WorldFAQ data. We apologize in advance for any such errors. If you discover any inaccurate data, please let us know as soon as possible. Finally, for the latest news and information about WorldFAQ Lite, WorldFAQ, and other applications we may offer, we encourage you to regularly check our Web site. We will be updating the program on a regular basis, and we expect to be releasing other travel-related products for the 3Com connected organizer. Thank you very much for trying WorldFAQ Lite. We hope you like it. Creative Digital Publishing Inc. 293 Corbett Avenue San Francisco, CA 94114 415.621.4252, 415.621.4922 (fax),